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For Patient and Public

Patient & Public Involvement in Research

The Research & Development Office strive to increase the opportunities for patients and their families to be informed about, and involved in, our research and research processes.

Patient and Public involvement in research referrers to an active partnership between researchers and patients and/or the public in the research process.  At York we strive to actively involve patients in as many of our research projects and ideas as possible.

We have already made progress in this area by having significant lay representation on our R&D Group and organising and hosting patient focus groups to help develop our research ideas.  Also, we have recently trained a small group of interested members and governors into the background of clinical research so they can now read patient facing research materials for us, and edit them to be more understandable for the public. 

Click here to find out how to get involved in our research

There is a new YouTube video featuring patients, Patient Research Ambassadors and research staff has been released by the Clinical Research Network Yorkshire and Humber, on the theme of Giving the Gift of Research.  Click here

1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024

York & Scarborough

50 research studies open to recruitment


3246 patients recruited into clinical trials