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North Yorkshire has very little research on National Integrated Health Research’s research activity map. 85% of NY’s most deprived residents live in this area, some neighborhoods in Scarborough among the 20% of the UK’s most deprived populations. The East Coast ranks 89th of 150 for hospital admission due to liver disease (Clinical Commissioning Group). The socio-economic deprivation and health challenges of coastal communities are reflected in the complex geography and healthcare management/oversight of Scarborough, and neighbouring Bridlington and Whitby. Healthcare provision for multiple long term conditions is complicated by being shared across many local and regional agencies. The judgments and beliefs of people in the Scarborough region contribute to the low levels of involvement in research. In 2021, York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust established a Multiple Long Term Conditions Hub, to bring together clinical researchers in integrated care with North Yorkshire East Coast residents, to provide research in a region which, which, until now, has had extremely limited research.